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How to start a Practice Test / Course

To activate a practice test or a course

you either must have an activation code and activate it at My Account,
or purchase a related product pack containing practice tests or preparation courses via the Eshop of the site found at:

Once you have activated or purchased your test or course, you will be able to find them at My Account > Practice Tests / Courses.

Select the one you would like to start (or continue) and then click on the title. You will be directed to the test / course intro area where you will be able to
a) have an overview of the test / course sections and content (number of questionnaires and topics for each section etc.)
b) see your progress of the test so far (if you have previously started it) and any other material or other important prior notice given for the test / course.

At at My Account > Practice Tests / Courses, If you have already started a test or course you will see an IN PROGRESS icon, and next to it you will be able to click to the down arrow icon and have a quick overview of the progress of it, and your answers so far.

For practice tests, you will usually find the following sections: READING, WRITING, LISTENING, SPEAKING depending on the exam.
For preparation courses, a different section index might be given.
You can start and test your skills directly on any of the related sections.

It is proposed to follow the order of sections as given and complete each one of them before moving to the next one, but that is not mandatory.

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