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Activating Content – FAQ

*The following apply only if you have an activation code given by your tutor. If you do not have an activation code, browse our eshop and directly buy a preparation course for your level.

How to Activate and Purchase Content?

What is an Activation Code or License Key?

An activation code (or license key) is usually a 4 parts / 4 digits (or 5 parts / 5 digits) alphanumeric code given by your school or your tutor for enabling content (courses, tests, ebooks and other material or services of at the site.
Eg. an activation code might look like this → ABCD-EFG5-HI7J-KLM9

Can I use an activation code multiple times?

An activation code can only be used once.

Does my Activation Code expire?

Yes an activation code will expire if it is not activated within a short time. Try activating the given activation codes as soon as possible.

Where can I find Activation Codes?

Activation codes (or License Keys) are usually given to you by your school or your tutors.

Does access to Tests / Courses , Ebooks or other material I activate on the site expire?

Yes, any content that an activation code is enabling, will expire sometime in the future and access to it will be lost. The expiration date can be found at My Account > My Activations History or at the details of a Product Pack.

What kind of content can I activate?

You can activate: a Practice Test, a Preparation Course, Ebooks, Pdfs, Docs and other multimedia Material.

What is an Ebook / Material? Are there any Free samples to read?

An ebook / ematerial is a digital book accompanied with a number of multimedia materials that can be easily studied from any web or mobile browser.
You can browse the Library section and look for free material, or register at the site and take the FREE Placement Test.

The activation code returns an error, what can I do?

Your activation code might have expired or already been activated.
Check at My Account > Activations History if this activation code was already activated,
otherwise contact your School or Tutor for providing you a new activation code.

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