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For Tutors / Private Tutors


You can view all your Tests / Courses and Ebooks / Material you have activated or purchased.
If you are a private tutor that is connected to a student, you can grade their submitted Assignments, Essays or Speaking recorded answers on the relative parts of their Tests and Courses taken.

How to grade a student assignment, essay or speaking answer?

To review and grade them you can click Assignments/Essays or Speaking (Recordings) buttons on the main My Account area, select the ones you have been assigned to for grading and then click “Grade It”.
At the grading/view page you can:
Read the essay, download and view the assignment file or listen to the recorded answers. You will find the Assignment, Essay or Speaking questions as a reference at the bottom left of the screen.
For essay grading you can also highlight any areas you would specifically like to leave a comment (highlight any text and click the relative icon). In order to see the comments for each part click on the small message label icon next to the end of the related paragraph quoted.
You can also leave a voice recorded feedback by clicking “Record” at the left of the screen. You can leave as many voice recordings as you like.
When done, give your score at the top left of the screen and click “Submit Grade”.
You can correct your grade later (It is advised to only submit a grade once, to avoid any confusion from your students when resubmitting or changing grades).

*If you have not been assigned any content for grading you can select which submissions you would like to grade. You can go to Pending to Grade and see all pending items related to your class from your students and click ASSIGN TO ME. You will then be redirected to the grading/ view page.



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